Why Making This Blog Was So Important To Me

Hello everyone! As this semester slowly comes to a close I wanted to talk about why making this blog was so important to me. I have always been more or less a hands on person, may it be art, science, etc I always loved getting to make or create something. Fashion has always been one of my bigger passions, but I had no idea where to start or where to find information on where to start. It felt like everything I was looking up made me more and more confused, as well as lost. When I decided to go to college and pursue fashion as one of my majors, I still felt like I was going to be confused and unsure of what was going on. As well as begin nerodivergent it can sometimes feel like it's ten times harder for me to understand what is going on. But thanks to all these blog posts I feel like I have gotten a better understanding of what we are learning, as well as new ways of thinking of everything. Everyone learns in different ways and I feel like the blog posts from everyone has definitely helped me understand what we are doing, and how to understand everything better. When I started this blog, I talked about how I wanted this blog to be a place where I could talk about all sorts of things that sparks my interests, share it with people, and encourage people to do the same. While my vision and hopes for this blog are still the same I feel like this blog has made me more inspired to be able to do more stuff like these even if it is not on a blog.

  As sad as I am for this semester to end and for the blogs posts to stop to end, I am super happy to have had this experience. I feel like all these posts have helped me not only understand all the topics we talked about but has also helped me grow and see things from other points of view. I think all that I learned from this class will definitely helped me going forward and with understanding fashion more. It has also made me more excited to learn more about the industry, as well as other fashion related things. 


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