Post Consumerism Waste

 Hello everyone! This week I wanted to touch on the topic of post consumerism waste. Post Consumerism Waste is the waste that people make everyday. That can be shopping bags, food containers, and more. It can be from any kind of business, home, school, etc. To help fight that companies are trying to become more and more friendly to the earth. A popular brand that has been seen everywhere is Shein. Shein is a fast fashion online shop that has trendy clothes at low prices. What people don't know is that a lot of Shein's clothes end up in landfills. Trends are always changing, so when the trend changes people want to get rid of the clothes and get new trendy clothes. While reading an article on The Guardian,, "Most returns end up in landfill because it costs more to put them back in circulation". This means that most if not all of the clothes you return to Shein ends up in landfills. Clothing in landfills are a huge problems, as that they do not decompose, These clothing items can end up releasing toxic chemicals into the air. Similar with Forever 21. Forever 21 is a lot like Shein, they are a trendy clothes company that are at lower prices. A good amount of clothes from Forever 21 also end up in landfills. Committing to more and more clothes ending up in landfills. 

A brand that I wanted to talk about that is more eco friendly is In Common. In Common uses eco friendly fabrics, such as recycled polyester threads, eco friendly cotton, and tencel made in a way that will help the planet. In Common's packaging also is made to put the planet first. 

I really like what they have done so far! I think is definitely a foot in the right direction. Seeing this other companies can feel inspired and decide to other something so more of their clothing doesn't end in landfills. Personally I really like the idea of knowing that my clothes are made from a fancy bag or some other kind of enivormentally friendly material. I wanted to bring this up on my blog because of how fast trends can change and how often people will throw clothes away due to the trend begin out of style. I recommend checking out brands like In Common to find more brands that are more earth friendly. I also recommend checking out articles like this one from Science Direct,, it helped me understand more of what post consumerism waste is and some ideas on how to change it around, 

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