
Showing posts from April, 2023

Why Making This Blog Was So Important To Me

Hello everyone! As this semester slowly comes to a close I wanted to talk about why making this blog was so important to me. I have always been more or less a hands on person, may it be art, science, etc I always loved getting to make or create something. Fashion has always been one of my bigger passions, but I had no idea where to start or where to find information on where to start. It felt like everything I was looking up made me more and more confused, as well as lost. When I decided to go to college and pursue fashion as one of my majors, I still felt like I was going to be confused and unsure of what was going on. As well as begin nerodivergent it can sometimes feel like it's ten times harder for me to understand what is going on. But thanks to all these blog posts I feel like I have gotten a better understanding of what we are learning, as well as new ways of thinking of everything. Everyone learns in different ways and I feel like the blog posts from everyone has definitely

Mary Quant

 Mary Quant was a fashion designer best known for her works in the 1960s. Thanks to her works we now have certain iconic looks of the sixties. Mary was upset with the range of women's clothes available at the time, and after the success of a set of loungewear she created, she decided to create her own brand. Mary was a self taught designer. She would attend classes in the evening to help her achieve the look she wanted for her clothes. She is most credited for the look of the sixties, the mini skirt. She helped pave the way for differences in fashion. Her designs where not like the ones you would see in all the other stores. Her designs are one of a kind.  I'd like to touch on some of her designs, the first one begin Things like pants for women where not really socially accepted at the time. Up until then women were normally seen in dresses. With Mary's design she show new ways for women to dress, even if they didn't want to wear skirts.  During this time Mary opened a

Post Consumerism Waste

 Hello everyone! This week I wanted to touch on the topic of post consumerism waste. Post Consumerism Waste is the waste that people make everyday. That can be shopping bags, food containers, and more. It can be from any kind of business, home, school, etc. To help fight that companies are trying to become more and more friendly to the earth. A popular brand that has been seen everywhere is Shein. Shein is a fast fashion online shop that has trendy clothes at low prices. What people don't know is that a lot of Shein's clothes end up in landfills. Trends are always changing, so when the trend changes people want to get rid of the clothes and get new trendy clothes. While reading an article on The Guardian,, "Most returns end up in landfill because it costs more to put them back in circulation". This means that most if not all of the clothes you return to Shein ends up

Insulting and Inclusive Branding

 Hello Everyone! This week I want to talk about the topic of insulting and inclusive branding. Over the week I have been reading about Banana Republic and it inspired me to talk about it on my blog. Inclusive Branding is when a brand is inclusive in all aspects. May that be age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and more. The brand is welcoming and respectful to all their consumers. This helps the consumer feel safer and respected here, also making the consumer feel like they belong there.  Insulting Branding is when a brand uses offensive language, imagery, and or symbols in any of their branding. Or even when they are marketing. Making the consumer feel unwelcomed in there store. This can also include things such as homophobia language, racist slurs, and more.  While I was doing some research on brands from the past there is a brand I want to talk about. H and M was created in 1947 in Sweden. The brand carries the latest fashion trends at cheaper prices. In 2018 the brand released a yout