Surprise! I Am Opening A Store!

Hello! I wanted to announce that I am opening my first store! My store is called The Beauty Of  Life , and will be located on W 23rd Street, New York. 

The mission of my store is to bring people from all sorts of cultures, religions, styles and more together. Working with brands all over the world, my store will bring in different styles of clothing. As well as clothing articles from around the world. Everyone is different and has many different styles, and my store is here to show it. Also showing people that it's ok to stand out and be yourself. My store will help to inspire people to be themselves. Besides begin a store, my store will have a rooftop garden and farmer market. 

My store ties in really well with my blog. Like I said in my introduction I wanted this blog to be full of things I love and adore, so with my store I hope to show people all sorts of beautiful styles. 

In my store you will find a mix of things. In a way it is a thrift store, with multiple different styles to choose from. There will be a mix of everything. My store will also be carrying shoes and jewelry. My store will have items from around the world, as well as other shops that hold certain styles. As well as information on where the item came from.

A Vision Board For The Beauty Of  Life:


A smart technology I hope to use is something very similar to Cher's closet from Clueless. I know that I am not the best at styling, so for the consumers that are the same I hope to use a booth that people can input styles and clothing items they like. The booth will then give the consumer some options of clothing items they may like and how to style them.  

There will be a opening party in August of 2025! The party will be from 8 am (opening time) to 7 pm (clothing time)! 


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