Happy International Woman's Day!!

 Happy International Woman's Day! This is one of my favorite holidays, so I wanted  to shine some light on some of my favorite role models! While these two are some of my huge role models, these two are not hugely fashion related. 

One of my all time favorite superheroes is the wonderful Starfire! I will honestly take any opportunity to talk about her! She has been a huge inspiration to me ever seen I was younger. As a kid before I was diagnosed with  Autism and ADHD I always felt like I was a alien or something out of this world. While I was too young for the 2009 Teen Titans show, I did see parts of episodes and she completely became my favorite character. It felt almost as if she understood me, with the way she is a literal alien that is experiencing earth for the first time really stuck with me. It felt like someone was almost having the same experience as me. Her character has always made me really excited to see how optimistic and happy she is while also begin a crime fighter. I always thought you had to be dark and broody if you where a hero but when she was introduced to me I realized I can be as kind and optimistic, while also begin able to stand my ground and be powerful. She showed me that I do not have to let people walk all over me, yet instead I can be as powerful and awesome as her without changing anything about me. Starfire has a huge place in my heart and I am so thankful for her and her character. She is probably my main role model, and whenever I see merch for her I get excited! When DC realized their limited edition Starfire Funko Pop, I was looking everywhere for one. Thankfully I got one and it is one of my favorite things!

Another one of my role models and favorite heroes is Wonder Woman. Similarly to Starfire, she has always made me feel seen. She has taught me that I can be knowledgeable, powerful, and able to stand my ground. I have always been a huge mythology nerd, so her character background makes me very happy. Growing up I wasn't too into lgbt culture yet so I had no idea that I could be a girly girl while also begin able to kick butt. Her character, Starfire, as well as my other role models opened up that possibility to me. Showing that I do not always have to be a damsel in distress per say.  Also similar to Starfire they made me want to help the earth and the people on earth. The way they both take time to understand how people are feeling, as well as help them makes me feel inspired to do the same. She is another character that I get super excited to see merch of. Years ago one of my little cousins gifted me a Wonder Woman keychain for my birthday, that she picked out and gifted me herself, and I really cherish it. Seeing how she associated Wonder Woman with me makes me feel very whole inside. 

These two characters mean a whole lot to me and have helped shaped who I am today. While I have a huge list of people I could go on and on talking about, these two sprang into my mind. International Woman's Day is one of my favorite times of the year, I adore seeing all the inspiring Woman all over the world.  I hope whoever is reading this get to enjoy this International Woman's Day! 


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