About Me!

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I am so excited to be able to have this chance to create this blog! I love doing things like this where I get to design how it looks and share things I love with others! I have a wonderful family and a really awesome sibling who I love to the farthest galaxy and back! We are so alike sometimes that it feels like they read my mind sometimes! They are seriously one of my favorite people! My family has two dogs and two cats! I really love to do things with my hands, like video games and crafts! Some of my favorite video games are Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Scarlet, Harvest Moon Skytree Village, Animal Crossing New Horizons, and Luigi's Mansion! 

Oh! I also love gardening! During the summer of 2022 I planted some sunflowers, carrots and tomatos! It was awesome to see them grow! I am a huge lover of nature and I adore going on walks! I really love seeing my friends and family be excited and happy! I really love and adore my friends and I am so thankful for them! As of right now I am currently a Music and Fashion major! Music and Fashion are two of my greatest passions! When I was picking what I wanted my majors to be it felt like those two where meant to be! 


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