About My Blog!

 Hi! My name is Carly! I am a freshman at RCBC! I wanted to make a blog about all sorts of things I love! I really wanted to create a space where I can post things that makes me and my heart happy! One huge thing I love is fashion. How people can make such creative and amazing things always blows my mind! Every since I was little I have always loved many different styles of fashion, from more of a princess style with fancy dresses to comfortable wear with sweatshirts and sweatpants, I love it all! 

Since I was a kid I have loved things like cosplay and the arts! I love to create and learn things! A lot of people I follow on my social medias are people who cosplay and It makes me so excited and happy! Much like other nerodivergent people, i tend to hyperfixate a whole lot, so having a space where I can talk about things I love, was really important to me! 


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