Ageism In Stores

 In my blog I like to talk about all sorts of things I enjoy. A part of that is things like fashion and beauty. Something I noticed throughout the years is how the beauty world seems to be scared of ageing. 

If you go into a store like Ulta or Sephora, you can find a ton of creams, lotions, oils, etc. That are used to help you look younger than your age. I believe due to people such as celebrities and media now it makes you feel bad for not looking as young as possible. Celebrities all over the world promote things like anti wrinkle cream or oils that make you look years younger than you are. When the consumer sees that it makes them feel like they have to look younger too. In some ways it can be helpful. Sunscreen for example, helps to make sure that you don't get skin cancer, and protects your skin from UV rays. While some other products on the market don't do anything at all. Everyone is different so some people want to look younger, while others do not care. 

Some retailers that I believe are helping people out when it comes to anti aging products that work are:

Starting off with Olay, Olay has been a huge business for so long. Olay has been around for as long as I can remember. People have been saying that Olay has helped their skin as well as keeping their skin hydrated and healthy. With how hydrating their products are, it seems to be really helpful to people with drier skin, as well as it begin helpful for the colder/drier months.  I have not used any of Olay's products but my mom and my friend's parents has used it and have seemed to like it. 

While doing my research I stumbled upon Clinique. People have been very happy with Clinique's products. Similar to Olay, it is very thick and hydrating. Making it very good for people in drier climates, as well as people with drier skin. Also similar to Olay, they target everyone with their products. They are not only made for one type of consumer, They are made for a wide range of people. 

Lastly L'Oréal, also known as L'Oréal Paris, their products have tons and tons of good reviews. While I was doing research for this I found out that L'Oréal is one of the top brands when it comes to anti aging. L'Oréal targets every age, not just trying to go for one demographic.  

Overall I believe that ageism can be something harmful and helpful. With the media now it makes aging look scary and like something you do not want to do. I would want to see more brands branch out and show how positive and wonderful aging is, instead of trying to say how scary it is.


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